كشفت Nintendo النقاب مؤخراً عن تطبيق Nintendo Music وهو تطبيق موسيقى لا يمكن الوصول إليه إلا لأعضاء Nintendo Switch Online فقط. مع هذا التطبيق، ستتمكن من تنزيل وبث الموسيقى من مختلف مسارات نينتندو الموسيقية.
هناك عدة طرق للبحث عن المسارات التي تعجبك. يمكنك القيام بذلك عبر السلسلة أو الشخصية أو الحالة المزاجية. يمكنك أيضًا البحث عن فنانين داخل اللعبة من ألعاب Splatoon إذا كان هناك فنان يعجبك. كملاحظة، فإن الملحنين الحقيقيين غير مذكورين في معلومات المقطوعات الموسيقية. على سبيل المثال، قام تيرو تانيجوتشي بتأليف أغنية ”Battle! (فريق ستار بوس)“ للعبة Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. ومع ذلك، لا يظهر اسمه في تطبيق Nintendo Music.
الأمر نفسه ينطبق على ”Calamari Inkantation“ من Splatoon 3. بينما يسردها التطبيق تحت اسم ”Deep Cut x Squid Sisters“، هذا هو الفنان داخل اللعبة. في الواقع، قام ملحن السلسلة شيهو فوجي بتأليف تلك الأغنية وأداها كيتي. من غير المعروف ما إذا كانت نينتندو ستبدأ في إضافة الفضل إلى الفنانين الحقيقيين في المستقبل.
الميزة التي قد يستمتع بها بعض المعجبين بشكل خاص هي أنه يمكنك تحديد مدة تشغيل المسار. هناك بالفعل بعض المسارات وقوائم التشغيل الممتدة للاستماع إليها. ولكن يمكنك أيضًا القيام بذلك للمسارات الفردية، مع تحديد 60 دقيقة أو ساعة كحد أقصى.
يمكنك تنزيل Nintendo Music من خلال Google Play أو Apple App Store. للتذكير، يجب أن تكون عضوًا في Nintendo Switch Online لاستخدام هذا التطبيق.
كل الألعاب التي تتواجد أغانيها في تطبيق Nintendo Music للأجهزة الذكية ومشتركي خدمة الأونلاين
هل أردت يوماً تطبيق Spotify ولكن لموسيقى Nintendo؟ تطبيق Nintendo Music المدهش قد وصل ليؤمن لك ذلك، وهو مليء بالميزات وعروض الإطلاق القوية المدهشة من المقطوعات الموسيقية من جميع أنحاء التاريخ العريق للشركة التي قدمت في الألعاب أكثر من معظم الشركات.
إذا كنت تشعر بالفضول بشأن الموسيقى التصويرية للألعاب، يمكنك العثور على قائمة كاملة بالألعاب المميزة أدناه. يحتوي التطبيق على أكثر من مجرد مجموعة من الموسيقى التصويرية في قسم الألبوم؛ فهو يحتوي أيضًا على قوائم تشغيل ذات سمات محددة مثل شخصية معينة أو حالة مزاجية أو معارك الرؤساء أو سمات العنوان. ميزتي المفضلة هي مجموعة التشغيل الممتدة، والتي تتيح لك ضبط أغنية على التكرار لمدة تصل إلى ساعة.
وتغطي المكتبة حاليًا ألعابًا من اليوم الحالي وصولًا إلى ألعاب NES الجميلة، ويمكنك إنشاء قوائم تشغيل ومشاركتها مع أصدقائك. ومن المضحك أن التطبيق يتميز أيضًا بخيار لإخفاء أي مفسدات في حال كنت تستمع إلى الموسيقى التصويرية للعبة لم تتمكن من إنهائها بعد.
Nintendo Switch
- Pikmin 4
- Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet
- Splatoon 3
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Kirby Star Allies
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Wii Channels
Nintendo DS
- Tomodachi Collection
- nintendogs
Nintendo GameCube
- Metroid Prime
Game Boy Advance
- Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Nintendo 64
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Lylat Wars
Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems
- Super Mari World 2: Yoshi’s Island
- Donkey Kong Country
Game Boy
- Kirby’s Dream Land
- Dr. Mario
Nintendo Entertainment System
- Metroid
- Metroid (Famicom Disk System)
- Super Mario Bros.
احرص على الذهاب إلى متجر التطبيقات لأجهزة iPhone ومتجر Google Play لنظام Android واحصل على التطبيق. ومع ذلك، ستحتاج إلى حساب Nintendo Online لاستخدام التطبيق. والآن، كل ما نحتاجه هو أن تُصدر Nintendo بعض الأجهزة الجديدة حتى نتمكن من الحصول على قسم جديد بالكامل من الأغاني.
قائمة مفصلة بأسماء الأغاني المتاحة بالتطبيق
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Opening Theme
- 12:00 AM – 11:00 PM – Clear
- 12:00 AM – 11:00 PM – Rainy
- 12:00 AM – 11:00 PM Snowy
- Island Life Orientation 1
- Island Life Orientation 2
- Island Life Orientation 3
- Island Life Orientation 4 – Firelit Night
- Island Life Orientation 5 – Clear
- Island Life Orientation 5 – Rainy
- Island Life Orientation 5 – Snowy
- Island Life Orientation 6 – Clear
- Island Life Orientation 6 – Rainy
- Island Life Orientation 6 – Snowy
- Island Life Orientation 7 – Clear
- Island Life Orientation 7 – Rainy
- Island Life Orientation 7 – Snowy
- Mystery Island – Clear Afternoon
- Mystery Island – Rainy Afternoon
- Mystery Island – Snowy Afternoon
- Mystery Island – Clear Evening
- Mystery Island – Rainy Evening
- Mystery Island – Snowy Evening
- Nook Inc. Getaway Check-In
- Dreaming of K.K. Slider
- Island Wide Broadcast – Tom Nook
- Island Wide Broadcast – Isabelle
- Resident Services – Tent
- Resident Services
- Construction Complete Ceremony
- Group Stretching
- Blather’s Tent
- Museum – Entrance
- Museum – Fish Exhibit
- Museum – Bug Exhibit
- Museum – Fossil Exhibit
- Museum – Art Exhibit
- The Roost
- Sipping Coffee
- Sipping Water
- Airport Lobby (Tinny Speaker Ver.)
- Airport Lobby (Direct Feed Ver.)
- Travel Plans – DAL Jingle
- Travels Plans – In-Flight Entertainment
- Travel Plans – Waiting for a Guest
- Travel Plans – Welcoming a Guest
- Travel Plans – Seeing Off a Guest
- The Able Sisters
- Nook’s Cranny Small
- Nook’s Cranny Remodelled
- Nook’s Cranny Closing Time
- Jolly Red’s Treasure Trawler
- Dreaming of Luna
- Rescue Service
- Harv’s Island – Afternoon
- Harv’s Island – Evening
- Katrina’s Fortune Reading
- Customising with Cyrus
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Outbound 1
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Outbound 2
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Outbound 3
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Outbound 4
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Outbound 5
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Homeward 1
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Homeward 2
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Homeward 3
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Homeward 4
- Kapp’n’s Sea Shanty – Homeward 5
- Tourney – It’s On
- Tourney – Competing
- Bunny Day
- Wedding Season – Reese & Cyrus
- Wedding Season – Reception
- Fireworks Show
- Halloween
- Turkey Day
- Turkey Day – Let’s Get Cooking
- Turkey Day – Feast Your Eyes
- Toy Day – Snowy
- Toy Day – Clear
- Countdown 11 PM
- Countdown 11:30PM
- Countdown 11:50PM
- Countdown 11:55PM
- Happy new Year
- New Year’s Day 12AM
- New Year’s Day 2AM
- New Year’s Day
- Festivale
- Festivale Frolic Standard Feather
- Festivale Frolic Rainbow Feathers
- amiibo invitation
- Chased by Bees
- Stung by Bees
- Arachnid Attack
- Got It!
- Done and Done
- Radio Jingle – Morning 1
- Radio Jingle – Morning 2
- Radio Jingle – Morning 3
- Radio Jingle – Morning 4
- Radio Jingle – Morning 5
- Radio Jingle – Morning 6
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 1
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 2
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 3
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 4
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 5
- Radio Jingle – Afternoon 6
- Radio Jingle – Evening 1
- Radio Jingle – Evening 2
- Radio Jingle – Evening 3
- Radio Jingle – Evening 4
- Radio Jingle – Evening 5
- Radio Jingle – Evening 6
- Radio Jingle – Bunny Day
- Radio Jingle – Halloween
- Radio Jingle – Turkey Day
- Radio Jingle – Toy Day
- Radio Jingle – Countdown
- Radio Jingle – Festivale
- K.K. Cruisin’ Performance
- Lucky K.K. Performance
- Mountain Song Performance
- Aloha K.K.Performance
- Hypno K.K. Performance
- Surfin’ K.K. Performance
- K.K. Stroll Performance
- Two Days Ago Performance
- Only Me Performance
- Pondering Performance
- K.K. Birthday Performance
- Bubble Gum K.K. Performance
- K.K. Safari Performance
- K.K. Western Performance
- K.K. Lament Performance
- K.K. Rally Performance
- K.K. Marathon Performance
- K.K. Calypso Performance
- K.K. Country Performance
- K.K. Groove Performance
- Agent K.K. Performance
- Soulful K.K. Performance
- K.K. Salsa Performance
- K.K. Samba Performance
- K.K. Choral Performance
- K.K. Jazz Performance
- K.K. Chorinho Performance
- K.K. Jongara Performance
- K.K. Swing Performance
- K.K. Ska Performance
- K.K. Slack-Key Performance
- Mr K.K. Performance
- K.K. Soul Performance
- K.K. Song Performance
- King K.K. Performance
- K.K. Dub Performance
- K.K. Tango Performance
- Imperial K.K. Performance
- K.K. Dixie Performance
- K.K. Disco Performance
- K.K. Synth Performance
- K.K. Etude Performance
- K.K. Sonata Performance
- K.K. Milonga Performance
- Rockin’ K.K. Performance
- K.K. House Performance
- K.K. Bashment Performance
- K.K. Ballard Performance
- Cafe K.K. Performance
- K.K. Adventure Performance
- K.K. Parade Performance
- K.K. Rockabilly Performance
- The K. Funk Performance
- K.K. Fugue Performance
- K.K. Fusion Performance
- K.K. Flamenco Performance
- K.K. Blues Performance
- K.K. Break Performance
- K.K. Khoomei Performance
- K.K. Bossa Performance
- K.K. Hop Performance
- K.K. Polka Performance
- K.K. Moody Performance
- K.K. March Performance
- K.K. Oasis Performance
- K.K. Aria Performance
- K.K. Mambo Performance
- K.K. Folk Performance
- K.K. Metal Performance
- K.K. Lovers Performance
- K.K. Love Song Performance
- K.K. Lullaby Performance
- K.K. Reggae Performance
- K.K. Robot Synth Performance
- K.K. Rock Performance
- K.K. Bazaar Performance
- K.K. Waltz Performance
- K.K. Steppe Performance
- K.K. Dirge Performance
- K.K. Farewell Performance
- Comrade K.K. Performance
- K.K. Maria Chi Performance
- I Love You Performance
- K.K. Chillwave Performance
- K.K. Technopop Performance
- K.K. Island Performance
- Animal City Performance
- Drivin’ Performance
- K.K. D&B Performance
- K.K. Casbah Performance
- Neapolitan Performance
- To the Edge Performance
- Sleep Hill Performance
- K.K. Gumbo Performance
- K.K. Fair Performance
- Spring Blossoms Performance
- Marine Song 2001 Performance
- Stale Cupcakes Performance
- K.K. Condor Performance
- Wandering Performance
- My Place Performance
- Space K.K. Performance
- Welcome Horizons Performance
- Forest Life Performance
- DJ K.K. Performance
- Go K.K. Rider Performance
- K.K. Ragtime Performance
- Extra Song 1
- Extra Song 2
- Extra Song 3
- K.K. Crusin’ (Instrumental)
- Lucky K.K. (Instrumental)
- Mountain Song (Instrumental)
- Aloha K.K. (Instrumental)
- Hypno K.K. (Instrumental)
- Surfin’ K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Stroll (Instrumental)
- Two Days Ago (Instrumental)
- Only Me (Instrumental)
- Pondering (Instrumental)
- K.K. Birthday (Instrumental)
- Bubble Gum K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Safari (Instrumental)
- K.K. Western (Instrumental)
- K.K. Lament (Instrumental)
- K.K. Rally (Instrumental)
- K.K. Marathon (Instrumental)
- K.K. Calypso (Instrumental)
- K.K. Country (Instrumental)
- K.K. Groove (Instrumental)
- Agent K.K. (Instrumental)
- Soulful K.K. (Instrumental
- K.K. Salsa (Instrumental)
- K.K. Samba (Instrumental)
- K.K. Choral (Instrumental)
- K.K. Jazz (Instrumental)
- K.K. Chorinho (Instrumental)
- K.K. Jongara (Instrumental)
- K.K. Swing (Instrumental
- K.K. Ska (Instrumental)
- K.K. Slack-Key (Instrumental)
- Mr K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Soul (Instrumental)
- K.K. Song (Instrumental)
- King K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Dub (Instrumental)
- K.K. Tango (Instrumental)
- Imperial K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Dixie (Instrumental)
- K.K. Disco (Instrumental)
- K.K. Synth (Instrumental)
- K.K. Etude (Instrumental)
- K.K. Sonata (Instrumental)
- K.K. Milonga (Instrumental)
- Rockin’ K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. House (Instrumental)
- K.K. Bashment (Instrumental)
- K.K. Ballard (Instrumental)
- Cafe K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Adventure (Instrumental)
- K.K. Parade (Instrumental)
- K.K. Rockabilly (Instrumental)
- The K. Funk (Instrumental)
- K.K. Fugue (Instrumental)
- K.K. Fusion (Instrumental)
- K.K. Flamenco (Instrumental)
- K.K. Blues (Instrumental)
- K.K. Break (Instrumental)
- K.K. Khoomei (Instrumental)
- K.K. Bossa (Instrumental)
- K.K. Hop (Instrumental)
- K.K. Polka (Instrumental)
- K.K. Moody (Instrumental)
- K.K. March (Instrumental)
- K.K. Oasis (Instrumental)
- K.K. Aria (Instrumental)
- K.K. Mambo (Instrumental)
- K.K. Folk (Instrumental)
- K.K. Metal (Instrumental)
- K.K. Lovers (Instrumental)
- K.K. Love Song (Instrumental)
- K.K. Lullaby (Instrumental)
- K.K. Reggae (Instrumental)
- K.K. Robot Synth (Instrumental)
- K.K. Rock (Instrumental)
- K.K. Bazaar (Instrumental)
- K.K. Waltz (Instrumental)
- K.K. Steppe (Instrumental)
- K.K. Dirge (Instrumental)
- K.K. Farewell (Instrumental)
- Comrade K.K. (Instrumental)
- K.K. Maria Chi (Instrumental)
- I Love You (Instrumental)
- K.K. Chillwave (Instrumental)
- K.K. Technopop (Instrumental)
- K.K. Island (Instrumental)
- Animal City (Instrumental)
- Drivin’ (Instrumental)
- K.K. D&B (Instrumental)
- K.K. Casbah (Instrumental)
- Neapolitan (Instrumental)
- To the Edge (Instrumental)
- Sleep Hill (Instrumental)
- K.K. Gumbo (Instrumental)
- K.K. Fair (Instrumental)
- Spring Blossoms (Instrumental)
- Marine Song 2001 (Instrumental)
- Stale Cupcakes (Instrumental)
- K.K. Condor (Instrumental)
- Wandering (Instrumental)
- My Place (Instrumental)
- Space K.K. (Instrumental)
- Welcome Horizons (Instrumental)
- Forest Life (Instrumental)
- DJ K.K. (Instrumental)
- Go K.K. Rider (Instrumental)
- K.K. Ragtime (Instrumental)
Kirby Star Allies track list
- Twinkle Stars
- Let’s Be Friends
- Select File
- A Rude Awakening
- World of Peace Dream Land
- Green Gardens
- Donut Dome
- Honey Hill
- Helpful advice
- Friend puzzle solving
- invincible
- Rare picture piece
- A battle of friends and bonds
- Green Greens Kirby’s Dreamland
- Plaza Kirby’s Blowout Blast
- Shooting Kirby’s Dreamland
- Boss Theme Kirby’s Blowout Blast
- For the Brave
- Macho of DeDeDe
- Kirby Dance Long
- Sudden Happy Ending
- Ending Ad Bumper
- Secret Area: HAL Room DeDeDe’s Drum Dash Deluxe
- World of Miracles Planet Popstar
- Friendly Field
- Reef Resort
- Echo’s Edge
- Nature’s Naval
- Vegetable Valley Kirby Nightmare In Dreamland
- Orange Ocean Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
- Vs. Robo Dedede In Crisis Kirby’s Dream Course
- Cloudy Park Kirby’s Dreamland 2
- Red Canyon Stage Select Kirby’s Dreamland 2
- Underground Tree Area Kirby’s Fun Pak
- Vs. Gryll Kirby’s Star Stacker
- Sacred Square
- Twinkling Travellers
- The Clash of Comrades’ Blades
- Chop Champs
- Let’s Build a Log Cabin!
- Star Slam Heroes
- To The Far Reaches of the Galaxy
- Standings
- Well Done!
- Congratulations!
- Too bad…
- Fortress of Shadow’s Jambastion!
- Where even weeds won’t grow
- Adventures in Jambastion
- Memorial Festival
- Song of Supplication
- The Last Iceberg Kirby’s Dreamland 3
- Vs. Dark Matter Kirby’s Dreamland 3
- True Arena Showdown Kirby Superstar Ultra
- Neostar Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
- Miracle Matter Kirby 64
- Vs. The Squeaks Kirby Mouse Attack
- Uncanny Underground Kirby Mouse Attack
- The Black Mirror Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
- Kracko Kirby Power Paintbrush
- Friends Goal!
- Goal Game
- Kirby Dance Short
- Picture Results
- Dreams Realised!
- The Palace of Fulfilled Dreams
- True Friends Stand with You
- A Forgotten Flash of Lightning
- Defeat
- Game Over
- Continue
- A Battle of Friends and Bonds 2
- Kind Streets
- Far-Flung Starlight Heroes
- Winds across Earthfall
- Puzzle-solving Galaxy
- Misteen’s Oceans
- Carverna’s Massive Mazes
- Frostak’s Arctic Tundra
- The Adventure Begins
- Underworld
- Another Dimension
- VS. Mecha Kawasaki
- More Challenge Stages
- Mysterious Rolling Boulders from Afar
- Beautiful Prison
- Bouncing Boss Battle
- All Big Switches pressed!
- Towara’s Ancient Towers
- Star Lavadom
- Combat Evaluation Program
- Dedede Tridimensional Cannon
- Outlaw Driver
- Far Flung Journey’s End
- New Mode Unlocked
- Welcome to Dreamland
- Grass Land 1
- Arena Showdown
- Staff
- Squeak Squad Theme
- Welcome your new Overlord
- One of the Miracles
- VS. Star Dream
- Friends’ Getaway
- Crazy mischief in the Stars
- Chasing our dreams
- Shadowy Partners
- The Shape of Heart
- Rockabilly and Blues
- Break time break down
- Where even light does not reach
- Scarred land of dreams and new greens
- Path of worship
- Hall of worship
- Puppet Offering
- La Follia d’amore
- Liturgy of Holy Submission
- Introduction To Distant Seas of Stars
- Suite the Star Conquering Traveller
- The Star Allies have your back!
- Last Friends
- Having watched you all along
- Testing Star
- A decisive battle for tomorrow
- Hidden cork board
- bring on the super ability
- Hypernova Inhale
- Pink ball activate!
- The adventure begins – amiibo special arrangement
- Pressure Panic
- Title Screen
- Milky Way Wishes
- Ripple fields stage select
- Planet popstar stage select
- Stage begins star allies arrangement
- mouse attack title screen
- four adventures: Cookie County – Star Allies Arrangement
- Taranza the Puppeteer Magician – Star Allies Arrangement
- The Noble Haltman
- Fortress of Shadows: Jambastion!
- Venturing into the World with Allies
- Otherworldly Warrior
- Guest Star ???? Cleared / Grand Sun Stone Dance
- Green Stories
- Best Friends, Today, Tomorrow, and Forever
- The Adventure Begins – Original Short Ver.
- Your Preferred Spiciness for the Ultimate Choice
- Vs. Waddle Tank
- Blazing! Boss Battle
- Bouncing Boss Battle
- Vs. The Wicked Company
- History of Dedede
- Inner Struggle
- A Decisive Battle with Mighty Bosses
- Ordeal: Save this Kingdom
- Ordeal: Save this World
- Defeat
- Broken Heart
- The Road is Long…/ The True Arena
- Max Happy Town!
- Heroes in Another Dimension
- The Legend of the Last World
- Interdimensional Fanfare
- The Dimension to Win
- For Heroes, a Speak of the Heart / Dimensional Silence
- Kirby Ever After
- To the Deep / Distant Halcandra
- Against a Sword-King, the Dimension to Win
- The End…?
- Banadana Waddle Dee’s Here!
- King Dedede’s on the Scene!
- Meet up with Meta Knight!
- Rick & Kine & Coo Gather!
- Hey, Hey, It’s Marx!
- Where’d Gooey Come From?
- Sorry we’re Late – It’s Adeleine & Ribbon
- Dark Meta Knight… Revealed!
- Daroach Comes Calling
- Bravo! Magolor Is Here!
- They Can’t Hide from Taranza!
- Susie’s Ready to Exterminate
- Oracles of the Threefold Glint
- Memories of the Grande Finale
- A Hero’s Nap
- The Three Mage Sisters Return… the Favour
- Butterfly of Judgement: Morpho Knight
- Battle of Nightmares
- Dark & Cloudy
- Vs. Marx – Star Allies Dream Ver.
- Dark Matter in the Hyper Zone
- The Girls Who Fought Darkness
- Dark Mirage
- True Squeak Squad
- Supreme Ruler’s Coronation
- Phantom of the Moon Soul
- A Deus Ex Machina from Childhood
- Suite: The Conquering Traveller
- The Star Conquering Traveler Movement 3
- The Star Conquering Traveller Movement 4
- Kirby Perfection!
- Drawcia Soul
- Heavy Lobster
- Dangerous Dinner
- Revenge of the Enemy
- Fatal Error
- Aeon Corridors
- Suite: The Star Conquering Traveller Closing Movement
- Let them know we’re happy
- Bad Boss Brothers
- A Farewell to Kirby: He of the Future Travelling Stars
- Kirby Dance (Dream Land)
- Green Greens
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe track list
- Mario Kart Title Screen
- Mario Kart Stadium
- Waterpark
- Waterpark (Underwater)
- Sweet Sweet Canyon
- Thwomp Ruins
- Mario Circuit
- Toad Harbour
- Twisted Mansion
- Shy Guy Falls
- Sunshine Airport
- Dolphin Shoals (Underwater)
- Dolphin Shoals (Sea Depths)
- Dolphin Shoals (On the Sea)
- Electrodome
- Electrodome (Antigravity Zone)
- Mount Wario
- Cloud Top Cruise
- Cloud Top Cruise (Thunderclouds)
- Bone Dry Dunes
- Bowser’s Castle
- Rainbow Road
- Wii Moo Moo Meadows
- GBA Mario Circuit
- DS Cheep Cheep Beach
- N64 Toad’s Turnpike
- GCN Dry Dry Desert
- SNES Donut Plains 3
- N64 Royal Raceway
- 3DS DK Jungle
- DS Wario Stadium
- GCN Sherbert Land
- 3DS Melody Motorway
- N64 Yoshi Valley
- DS Tick-Tock Clock
- 3DS Piranha Plant Pipeway
- Wii Grumble Volcano
- N64 Rainbow Road
- GCN Yoshi Circuit
- Excitebike Arena
- Dragon Driftway
- Mute City
- F-Zero Results Screen
- Wii Wario’s Gold Mine
- SNES Rainbow Road
- Ice Ice Outpost
- Hyrule Circuit
- GCN Baby Park
- GBA Cheese Land
- Wildwoods
- Animal Crossing (Spring)
- Animal Crossing (Summer)
- Animal Crossing (Autumn)
- Animal Crossing (Winter)
- Animal Crossing results screen
- 3DS Koopa City
- GBA Ribbon Road
- Super Bell Subway
- Super Bell Subway (Underground)
- Big Blue
- Battle Stadium
- Sweet Sweet Kingdom
- Dragon Palace
- Lunar Colony
- 3DS Wuhu Town
- GCN Luigi’s Mansion
- SNES Battle Course 1
- Urchin Underpass
- Urchin Underpass (Now or Never!)
- Selection Screen
- Selection Screen (Online)
- Selection Screen (Wireless)
- Spectating
- Mario Kart TV
- Course Intro Fanfare
- Starting Grid (Grand Prix / VS Race)
- Starting Grid (Time Trials)
- Starting Grid (Battle)
- Super Star
- Final Lap!
- Finish! (First Place)
- Finish! (2nd – 6th Place)
- Finish! (7th – 12th Place)
- Results Screen A
- Results Screen B
- Current Standings
- Trophy Theme A
- Trophy Theme B
- Staff Credits
- Tour Paris Promenade
- 3DS Toad Circuit
- N64 Choco Mountain
- Wii Coconut Mall
- Tour Tokyo Blur
- DS Shroom Ridge
- GBA Sky Garden
- Intro Fanfare (Ninja Hideaway)
- Ninja Hideaway
- Tour New York Minute
- SNES Mario Circuit 3
- N64 Kalimari Desert
- DS Waluigi Pinball
- Tour Sydney Sprint
- GBA Snowland
- Wii Mushroom Gorge
- Sky-high Sundae
- Tour London Loop
- GBA Boo Lake
- 3DS Alpine Pass
- Wii Maple Treeway
- Tour Berlin Byways
- DS Peach Gardens
- Merry Mountain
- 3DS Rainbow Road
- 3DS Rainbow Road (Lunar Surface)
- Tour Amsterdam Drift
- GBA Riverside Park
- Wii DK’s Snowboard Cross
- Starting Grid (Yoshi’s Island)
- Yoshi’s Island
- Finish! (Yoshi’s Island)
- Results (Yoshi’s Island)
- Tour Bangkok Rush
- DS Mario Circuit
- GCN Waluigi Stadium
- Tour Singapore Speedway
- Tour Singapore Speedway (Chinatown)
- Tour Athens Dash
- GCN Daisy Cruiser
- Moonview Highway
- Wii Moonview Highway Straightaway
- Squeaky Clean Sprint
- Tour Los Angeles Laps
- GBA Sunset Wilds
- Wii Koopa Cape
- Wii Koopa Cape (Downstream)
- Wii Koopa Cape (Underwater)
- Tour Vancouver Velocity
- Tour Rome Avanti
- GCN DK Mountain
- Wii Daisy Circuit
- Piranha Plant Cove
- Tour Madrid Drive
- Tour Madrid Drive (Museum)
- Tour Madrid Drive (Stadium)
- 3DS Rosalina’s Iceworld
- SNES Bowser Castle 3
- Wii Rainbow Road
- Staff Credits (Booster Course Pass)
Pikmin 4 track list
- Title Screen
- Pikmin Discovered!
- Taking Charge
- Taking on More
- Pikmin Hide-n-Seek
- Ready to deploy
- Must be fate
- Meeting Oatchi
- The Way to the Surface?
- Restart the S.S. Shepherd
- The Onion Takes Root
- First Day’s Results
- Rise and Shine
- Strategy Meeting
- Setting out to Explore 1
- Setting out to Explore 2
- Setting out to Explore 3
- Small discovery
- New discovery
- Big discovery
- An abnormality!
- Meeting the Red Pikmin
- Meeting the Blue Pikmin
- Meeting the Yellow Pikmin
- Meeting the Purple Pikmin
- Meeting the White Pikmin
- Meeting the Rock Pikmin
- Meeting the Winged Pikmin
- Meeting the Ice Pikmin
- An onion matures
- Onions Fuse
- Before nightfall
- Today’s Rescue Results
- Rescue Command Post
- Expanding the Rescue Command Post
- Field Guides
- Dandori Preparation
- Sun-Speckled Terrace (Flyover)
- Sun-Speckled Terrace
- Blossoming Arcadia (Flyover)
- Blossoming Arcadia
- Serene Shores (Flyover)
- Serene Shores
- Hero’s Hideaway (Flyover)
- Hero’s Hideaway
- Giant’s Hearth (Flyover)
- Giant’s Hearth
- Primordial Thicket (Flyover)
- Primordial Thicket
- Into the Cave
- Spelunking
- Cave exploration (toy box)
- Cave exploration (engulfed castle)
- Waterwraith Appears
- Cave exploration (Waterwraith)
- All Pikmin lost!
- Cave Exploration (safe)
- Escape to the Surface
- Cave results
- Back on the surface
- Battling a strong creature
- Strong creature defeated
- Battling a stronger creature
- Stronger creature defeated
- Battling an even stronger creature
- Even stronger creature defeated
- Groovy Long Legs Battle
- Giant Breadbug Battle
- Smoky Progg Battle
- Leafling Encounter
- Leafling Chase
- Dandori, Dandori
- Dandori Challenge
- Dandori Challenge 2
- Dandori Overtime
- Dandori Challenge Results
- The Mysterious Leafling
- Heading into Dandori Battle
- Dandori Training
- Dandori Battle (Toy Box)
- Dandori Battle (Sand Box)
- Dandori Battle Victory
- Dandori Battle Failure
- Nighttime Exploration 1
- Nighttime Exploration 2
- Nighttime Exploration 3
- Meeting the Glow Pikmin
- Nighttime Expedition
- Lumiknoll Breaks
- Player Down
- Nighttime Expedition Results
- Commence Leafling Treatment
- Leafling Treatment complete
- Moss the guard dog
- Pikmin, kidnapped
- Chasing after Moss
- Olimar’s Shelter?
- Final Test of Skill
- Dandori Battle Vs. Olimar
- Olimar defeated?
- Olimar rescue mission: complete!
- Olimar aboard
- credits
- A new mission
- main missions: a step forward
- main missions: clear!
- ancient sirehound appears
- ancient sirehound battle
- Louie secured
- Returning from the cavern for a King
- Oatchi cured
- Mission complete! Prepare to return home
- Back where we belong
- So long, Pikmin
- Finale
- Final Rescue Results
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Area Select
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Sun-Speckled Terrace
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Sun-Speckled Terrace (Evening)
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Ship Parts Recovered
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Ship Powered-Up
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Blossoming Arcadia
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Blossoming Arcadia Evening
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Meeting Moss
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Serene Shores
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Serene Shores Evening
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Battling a Strong Creature
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Strong Creature Defeated
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: The Last Push
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Strange Pikmin Behavior
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Gildemander Appears
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: The Pikmin Are Restored
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Hero’s Hideaway
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Hero’s Hideaway Evening
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Ship Complete
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: So long, Pikmin
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Successful Escape?
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Failed Escape
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: Life as a Leafling
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: All Records
- Olimar’s Shipwreck Tale: How it happened
- Sage Leaf’s Cave
- Trial of the Sage Leaf
- Dandori Challenge (Sage Leaf)
- Mechanical Harp: Memory Song
- Mechanical Harp: Lullabies
- Mechanical Harp: Windmills
- Pikmin Tune 1
- Pikmin Tune 2
- Pikmin Tune 3
- Pikmin Tune 4
- Pikmin Tune 5
- Pikmin Tune 6
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet track list
- Welcome to Paldea
- Across the Skies of Paldea
- Home
- Cabo Poco
- First Meeting
- Becoming Stronger
- Battle! (Nemona)
- Poco Path
- Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
- By the Shore
- Going through the Inlet Grotto
- Battle in the Grotto
- Escape from the Cave
- A Test of Strength
- Battle! (Arven)
- South Province
- Battle! (South Province Wild Pokémon)
- Pokémon Center
- Pokémon Healed
- Happy Birthday!
- Los Platos
- A Stroll through the South Province
- Mesagoza
- A Tune at Mesagoza
- Team Star
- Battle! (Team Star)
- The Academy
- A Call from Cassiopeia
- Professor Sada / Professor Turo
- Your Dorm Room
- A Short Rest
- Starting the Treasure Hunt!
- Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Trainer)
- Battle! (Trainer)
- Victory! (Trainer)
- Let’s Make a Sandwich!
- Time to Eat
- A Super Delicious Sandwich
- A Pretty Delicious Sandwich
- A Good Sandwich
- A Not-So-Good Sandwich
- Evolution
- Gym Reception
- Gym Test
- Passed the Gym Test!
- Battle & Victory! (Gym Leader)
- Obtained a Badge!
- West Province
- Battle! (West Province Wild Pokémon)
- Asado Desert
- Tera Raid Battle
- Victory! (Tera Raid Battle)
- A Stroll through the Asado Desert
- Cascarrafa
- Still at the Gym Test
- Battle! (Titan)
- Second Battle against the Titan
- Victory! (Titan)
- A Brief Moment
- A New Power for Your Ride
- A Stroll through the West Province
- Medali
- Time to Relax
- East Province
- Battle! (East Province Wild Pokémon)
- Artazon
- Levincia
- The Iono Zone
- ‘Ello, ‘Ello, Hola! Ciao and Bonjour!
- East Province (Area Three)
- A Stroll through the East Province
- Tagtree Thicket
- The Name’s Clive
- Raiding the Base
- Star Barrage
- Star Barrage Finished
- A Team Star Boss Appears!
- Battle! (Team Star Boss)
- Victory! (Team Star Boss)
- Treasure of the Stars
- North Province
- Battle! (North Province Wild Pokémon)
- Montenevera
- The Opening Act!
- MC of RIP
- A Stroll through the North Province
- Casseroya Lake
- Snow Slope Run
- North Province (Area Two)
- Alfornada
- Emotional Spectrum Practice
- The Pokémon League Interview
- Passed the Interview
- The Pokémon League
- Battle! (Elite Four)
- Battle! (Top Champion)
- Victory! (Top Champion)
- Together with Nemona
- Battle! (Champion Nemona)
- My One and Only Rival
- Battle! (Director Clavell)
- Clive’s True Identity
- Battle! (Cassiopeia)
- Hasta la Vistar! ☆
- Heart
- Arven’s Treasure
- Finishing the Treasure Hunt
- To the Great Crater of Paldea
- Area Zero
- Battle! (Area Zero Pokémon)
- The Gate Opens
- Battle! (Area Zero Pokémon 2)
- Activating Offensive Protocols
- Battle! (Zero Lab)
- Victory! (Zero Lab)
- Reunion
- Paradise Protection Protocol Initialised
- Battle Form
- Battle! (
ملحوظة: مضمون هذا الخبر تم كتابته بواسطة سعودي جيمر ولا يعبر عن وجهة نظر مصر اليوم وانما تم نقله بمحتواه كما هو من سعودي جيمر ونحن غير مسئولين عن محتوى الخبر والعهدة علي المصدر السابق ذكرة.