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The Education System | Australia vs the USA

 performance. There are 39 universities across Australia, 37 of which receive funding from the government and 2 from private sources. Also, you can pursue bachelor's and master's degree programs (as well as certificates, postgraduate diplomas, and master's and doctorate degrees) on campus.

In addition, they offer vocational education, and one of the main purposes of this kind of education is to equip students with the skills and information they'll need to be successful in their chosen careers. The government pays for private and public schools alike to offer students access to vocational education and training programs, such as TAFE (Technical and Further Education) and other similar programs.

The Education System in the USA

When compared to other destinations, the American education system stands out. International students from all over the world can take advantage of the many different undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered by prestigious universities and institutes.

In the USA, higher education is classified into three types of institutions:

  • Junior or Community Colleges: They offer two-year associate degree with affordable tuition fees. After graduation, you can complete an undergraduate program in two years at a university.

  • 2. Vocational Schools: They provide short, career-focused programs to be well-trained for jobs like dental hygienist, civil engineer, chef, and others that don't require a degree but do require training.

  • Universities: American Universities can be categorised as either public (run by the government) or private (mix of profit and not-for-profit). They provide courses at the undergraduate, master, and doctorate levels.

One important thing to know is that many colleges and universities in both destinations offer transfer credit for courses completed there

Top 10 Universities in Australia vs the USA

Comparing university rankings is a good way to get an idea of the standard of education in both destinations. Both the Australian and American educational systems are regarded among the greatest in the world. Here are the top 10 universities in Australia and the USA, as ranked by the QS World University Rankings 

Dual Degrees in Australia vs the USA

Is it possible that you've thought about pursuing your passion for design while also pursuing a business degree? Having two degrees at either the undergraduate or graduate level puts you ahead of the competition while looking for a job.

Let’s have a look at the popular dual degrees in Australia and the USA.

Dual Undergraduate Degrees in Australia & the USA

Dual Master’s Degrees in Australia & & the USA

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Business

Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of International Relations

Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology

Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Business Law

Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts

Master of Creative Industries and Master of Management

Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Media Communication

Master of Planning and Master of Architecture

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Music

Master of Business Analytics and Master of Management

Types of Postgraduate Degrees in Australia vs the

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